I recently was reminded of a response that a sociopath composed in reply to his criminal history being exposed.
The Comment: "A criminal is different in your mind and mine.For one I do believe that you are a criminal for stalking me, for making every attempt to discredit me. I am not hidding from anyone. You need to get a grip on your life and stop worring about mine. Your mothers and your fathers. That is their life. Though it does seem to affect you quite a bit. Glad that you can not mention anything that I have done good, you think by slandering me that no one will want me, that is a long line and you are in the short line. People make mistakes and we move on. 35 criminal charges yeah 28 came from a fishing trip where the officer did not want to go to the car for my id and was attempting to give me a poaching ticket for not having my dl on me. What you failed to research is that all charges were droped i was granted a settlement from the police department and the officer was dismissed. As far as the filling a false police report yeah i did it. I went outside there was a body in the bushes and I called the police thinking that there was someone there dead. They came out and gave me a ticket for him not being deade. I should have faught that but did not have the time so I paid the fine. And as far as being an extra what the hell have you done with your life. What the hell do you think that you will be able to do with your life with an attitude such as yours. I will harrass anyone and everyone that I am upset with. Get bent. Them most amout of damage that has happened here is that you have found a way to let off steam and imbarrass yourself. And there is noting wrong with working at mcdonalds. I respect anyone that gets up and goes to work. There is no disrespect involved in worknig for a living. I once met a black man at a gas station somewhere in the mid west. I held the door for him and his friend as they walked up. The first black man said that I dont need you to hold the door for me, I said that it was ok and that I have been a door stop for most of my life. He yelled and screamed but I held the door and he went it. The second black man said after his friend went in that there is no shame in being a door stop but you should always be the best doorstop that you can. Be proud of who you are and what you do no matter what anyone else thinks of it. I wuould hope that that story helps you but I do not think that it will."
Reality is that his criminal record began early on in 1994 with the latest entry being 2011. It was true that included issues with fish and wildlife in the state of California but only three (3) citations. The other 42 entries spanned many years, included assault and battery(on a female and law enforcement), DUI, stalking (trespassing) and numerous other violations. In his dysfunctional mind however, his pride has him "manufacturing" a false reality in line with the hidden agenda that is delusional sociopathology. The author of the comment exposing his criminal and parasitic nature had stated that a job of any sort such as McDonalds should be sought by him instead of living off the tax payers. Notice how he attempted to turn around the communication in an ineffective attempt to take the position of superiority. That combined with his arrogance is classic sociopath behavior. He will never except that he is mentally ill, will never take accountability of his criminal nature, will always seek to attempt to manipulate everyone he comes in contact. He allowed this behavior destroy his marriage, led him to not be a father to his children and prevents him from maintaining gainful, meaningful employment.
A criminal living off of government assistance is the life he chooses because he refuses to see the issues in his life arose because of his choices and decisions to disregard boundaries- societal, legal, spiritual and moral. Always will his life difficulties be the cause of others and living with such a victims mentality leads one to victimize others and feel justified in doing so. Sad, sad life.. Numerous Mental hospital admissions was just another waste of public resources for he learned nothing to allow him to be a productive and honorable member of society.
Now about the "extra" comment in his response. He was raised in a military family that like most move around frequently. I expect it to be a lonely life. He told a girl in the mid to late 80's that he was moving because "he got a role a one of the Teen Age Mutant Ninja Turtles and was required to relocate for the film." This shows the extent of brain damage done through early exposure to alcohol but more importantly shows a genetic imbalance leading to pathological lying. In the comment leading to his quoted response, he was called out on that fact. He then proceeds to state that he was an "extra" in that film as he was in two other major films of that time. His claim was investigated further through actually contacting the production company responsible for extra staffing which revealed his claim to be dishonest (as expected and true to pathological lying and delusions of grandeur). Consistent with his mental disorder when the world was informed of his false claims, he lashed out in anger stating, "I answer to no one!!!" Funny how someone who lectured on pride and arrogance in his attempt to establish superiority regressed to juvenile arrogance when "light illuminated the dark corners In his life." All because he encountered someone who 1. Was by no means and in no shape or form afraid of him.... 2. Actually more intelligent than he believes himself to be. 3. Refused to allow his disregard for moral and ethical boundaries to impact his life negatively. A manipulative person is far less appealing and even appalling when they are exposed.
I knew he was full of shit but had no idea how full. A persons life must really suck to chronically lie like he does. He is one big con-man that's for sure. I guess that's a requirement for being a criminal. My definition of a criminal is someone that knowingly and willfully breaks a law..... More than twice is a criminal, 40+ times is a stupid criminal.