Thursday, June 13, 2013

JUST MAKES NO SENSE... And don't even realize it!

Take a deep look into the world around you.  I mean really look... Don't just glance and briefly observe the people, places and things that surround you day to day.  I have been doing just that the past month with a purpose.  It's one thing to just accept the state that this country finds itself in but it's entirely another to attempt to understand why it is the way it is.  My observations are as follows: 
1.  People that don't have any appreciable means of income, those that are unemployed by choice sit around all day on Facebook and post ridiculous delusions and fantasies by means of a computer or their smartphone. The fact that they do so is not the issue... The issue is that they have the tools to do so while some who are out of work due to layoffs or other reasons that are no fault of their own struggle to find a job to simply keep a roof over their head and food on the table.  Why is that?  Those who choose to not work have made it their job to live off the system.  They know how to play, milk and make permanent the aid designed to be temporary.  A person who works and has health insurance is responsible for anywhere from $250 to $500 for a visit to an emergency room while the "leech" uses the emergency room as a clinic and thanks to the public assistance given to them pays zero.  They are rewarded for not working.  It's to the point that in many instances it is more profitable to not work.  
2.  People with mental illness have fallen through the cracks (many have found how to take advantage of the system by petitioning for and receiving disability checks every month) and do not seek or continue treatment.  Once they get the lifetime benefit they will not follow the treatment plan that was established and maintained while seeking disability.  So what do they do??? They don't take the medication prescribed instead opting for beer, whiskey, wine, marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, etc.  anything and everything that exacerbates their condition. During which time they cycle between depression (many times ending up in the ER following an accidental overdose or suicide attempt) and mania (what's one to expect when introducing a stimulant??  This finds them being destructive- driving while under the influence, fighting, stealing, etc that finds them arrested and incarcerated).  Both cost the system (aka: tax payer dollars).  Oh and they sit on Facebook all day typing out their delusion and fantasies.  
3.  Politicians are self-centered and clueless (highly functioning mental illness).  They do and say whatever it takes to exploit the system (voters) to give them a job and then they waste millions of dollars and tell billions of lies to make sure they continue to take advantage of the system (job paid through tax payer dollars).
4.  Millions of people from other countries come into this country illegally because the welfare system in America provides a far better living than they could obtain through working in their country of citizenship.  They take the jobs that the Americans referenced above (1 and 2) could do but choose not to.  Many times the jobs pay in cash (the employer not paying into the tax system and the employee not paying into the system) and they send most of their earned money to family in their home country thus taking it out of the U.S. economy.  While doing this they get a fake ID and exploit the public assistance afforded to citizens of this country. I am not racist and have no problem with people coming to this country to make a better life LEGALLY.  Work, pay taxes and if need help then so be it.  I cannot respect anyone who looks to take shortcuts or cheats the system.  
The above is just the tip of the iceberg.  It frustrates me that those who want to work and not rely on charity struggle and those who could care less about making their own way live well.  It just makes no sense.... And most get so caught up in their day to day struggles that they don't even realize it.  It's shameful!!!

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