Wednesday, June 26, 2013



Sociopath expert Dr Robert Hare has devised the following checklist to help people recognise sociopathic traits.  

1. SUPERFICIAL charm. Smooth, engaging and charming, a sociopath will never become tongue-tied or embarrassed.  
•Often compose poetry and fictitious stories where the lead character (assigned the sex of the writer) is the complete package.

2. OVER-INFLATED sense of self-worth. Sociopaths believe they are superior human beings.
•Feel they do no wrong. Often assigns blame for the negative aspects of their life on others. 
•They are easily paranoid and possessive if they believe they are in a relationship (belief could stem from simply chatting with the opposite sex on Facebook).

3. PRONE to boredom. They feel the need to be stimulated constantly.
•Leads to alcohol and drug abuse which takes a prominent place in their actual life and fictitious compositions. (Alcoholism runs hand in hand with ASPD).

4. PATHOLOGICAL liars. Sociopaths will be deceptive and dishonest.
• They will lie about all aspects of their life to become the individual they feel the person they are interested in using is looking for.  
• Social Networking sites such as Facebook are their main tool to perpetuate their schemes.
• They often look up past acquaintances and completely disregard their marital/relationship status (see #2).  They find it easier to re-initiate a friendship than to establish a new one.

5. MANIPULATIVE. They will say and do anything to deceive and cheat others. 

6. LACK of remorse. No sense of the suffering of their victims.

7. LIMITED range of feelings. Don’t expect them to express anything other than happiness or sadness. 
• Most frequently anger and arousal..  

8. CALLOUS. Cold, contemptuous, inconsiderate and tactless are apt words to describe them.

9. THEY live a parasitic lifestyle. Sociopaths are often financially dependent on others.
• The most severe has a history of numerous psychiatric hospitalizations.
• Unable to maintain gainful employment thus live of of the system- mental disability checks.
• They bounce between few friends and family be it siblings or aunts sponging their way through while wasting their disability payments on cigarettes, alcohol and drugs while spending most of their time cultivating their life if deceit.

10. THEY can’t control their behaviour. When challenged, sociopaths will appear irritable, annoyed and impatient.
• Due to their paranoia they are easily irritated when someone else figures them out or when someone refuses to provide what they demand.  
• This behavior leads to legal issues and incarceration due to stalking, assault/battery and resisting arrest. 

The signs are simple and easily discerned if the time is taken to look past their initial attempts to manipulate and deceive. In this day and age it is best to perform a background check to get an unbiased snap shot of the true life they live.  It doesn't cost much... in the end it will save you from a great deal of emotional and physical abuse as well as protect your finances and good name.  

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