I know who I plan to vote for and fully intend to so so because it is my right, duty and privilege just as it is with every American citizen. However, the following Facebook post is an example of the mentality and "faulty" thinking of the individual that has been discussed and is evidence of the damage in brain development done due to the "first use principle". It's individuals such as this that are the reason our country has come to the place it is.... The logic is non-existent, it starts with the mention of alcohol(surprise), proceeds to show contempt of successful individuals and in a seriously flawed attempt to minimize his own background suggests that an ex-con(criminal) would make better decisions for the citizens of this country in the highest or second highest office in the USA.
"Everything in life should be productive. Not true the founders of this country all distilled liquor and sold it, well that was productive in filling their pockets. The Kennedys brought it in during the time of probation. No one in this country has not found fortune without the help of what is in demand, as people will always demand a break from reality. People want to let go of the day to day mundane life that most all of us live. Weather it is to become a holy roller or a drunk or just not spend money on anything to save for something that means something to them. There are those of us that will never change. Change is the hardest thing a person will ever be able to do. Why would you want to stop being happy to try something that is not a sure thing. That is what hinders change. The United States incarnates more people than any other country on earth. In order to get to the top you must have never faced a personal issue. You must have never had to put one knee to the ground and say I cannot take it. You must have never did anything wrong. Do you really know who you are voting for? One way or other both should never hold office. Why you ask. They are both liars. They have never had a problem in their life; they have never done anything wrong. You cannot trust them and should never expect them to do anything in your favor if it does not do something for them in their favor. Put a single father in office or a single mother. Put a convict in office. But do not put some rich bastard that has no idea as to what life is about. A single parent knows how to stretch a dollar and say no that would be nice to have but it is not wise to spend money that way. Make the vice president a convict. They are blunt they are rude and do not believe in giving away anything. The current government owns all of the oil rights that are another problem. A convict would say stop trying to steal my shit motherfucker or I am going to put a cap in your ass. A convict would say to the world hey this is my place this is my house I do not go into yours and try to fuck with anything and if you come into mine, I do not give a fuck who you call god you are going to meet them in a minute if you do. Now let’s bounce back to health care. The person in charge of that should be or have been at one time unemployed and or homeless. Someone that knows what it is like to need to be fixed but afraid to ask for help since they have noting and will not get proper treatment and be stuck with a bill that no one can afford to pay. They would change that shit quick. So there you have it the budget will get fixed we will be safe and we will have health care. Congress and the senate are in the same boat they are just using the American people for whatever they can get out of them, no more no less. I have registered to vote. And I am casting my vote now. None of the above.
I forgot why I started to write this. It was about the war on drugs. The US spends 48 billion dollars a year on something that they cannot control. I was at a bar here in CA and I was in the smoking section and they were smoking pot there. I accept that since it is not against the law. And furthermore I accept it in general. Once it was against the law to have a drink as it was and to smoke a smoke it has begun its change. I know that no one likes change but the sooner that you accept it the sooner you can get on with your life."
The "none of the above" crap sounded good in the movie which made the phrase but in the "real world" this is the slogan of cowards and imbeciles. Yes, change happens whether we want it to or not but in this case outside of the misplaced lament over legality and labeling, we have a say in the best choice of two not so great options. It is what it is and to hide ones head in the sand is simply irresponsible and status quo for cowards. If one keeps doing the same things over and over expecting different results is the definition of insanity. Fact is in this individuals case the definition fits not only as evidenced in the above post but as is his life. Certifiably insane.
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