I took a little break to do some research and begin a new case study and during the "relaxation" revisited the focus of the previous one (it becomes entertaining with some individuals). Those that have been following know that the man that has been followed most recent suffers from anti-social personality disorder complicated by poorly controlled type I bi-polar disorder and chronic substance abuse. He was raised in a vagabond lifestyle (military brat) and continues as much out of necessity as a choice. He suffers delusions which has led him to weave a web of lies to define his history and enable him to engage in predatory behaviors. As is characteristic with ASPD, he has a self-centered perception of established boundaries. He has been unable to maintain a relationship as evident in his failed marriage(some interesting communication recently occurred between him and his ex on Facebook. It seems he mistook her simple attempts to be civil in communication as a sign she sought to re-initiate a romantic relationship... EMBARRASSING), his lack of interaction with his two children over their life(oldest son experiencing issues with legal authorities due to illegal narcotics possession which is direct damage from the dysfunctional relationship and absence of his father). He has also been unable to maintain gainful employment. When attempting to manipulate a female target he pulls from a few fictitious employment backgrounds... Mainly that he is receiving company sponsored disability after being injured and that allows him to follow his passion of music(DJ).
Also his lack of respect for boundaries resulted in numerous arrests between 1995 and 2010 ranging from DWI to stalking, to assault and battery on a female. All in all a rather extensive arrest record.
His substance abuse, particularly alcoholism is evident in his physical appearance.. Classic moon face, bulging eyes and "barrel belly" indicating thyroid damage and cortisol imbalance from the alcohol. This also exacerbates his psychiatric issues that have resulted in numerous psychiatric hospital admissions(both voluntary and involuntary) over the course of his life.
He applies himself diligently to portray himself as intelligent and sensitive(ploy to cover his true existence). One(even untrained) only needs to read his posts on Facebook to see the degree of his mental deficiencies. The song lyrics and "poems" he posts that he states he is "working on" show the true depth of his denial and delusion. First and foremost, they are CRAP. Absolutely ridiculous.. Second, each refers to how he has been "done wrong by society" or how his life and its state
is not his fault. He has stated that "he doesn't look for trouble but it always seems to find him". He has an extreme disdain for authority even going as far as openly posting a tirade ending in "Fuck the police"(as generally said by a true criminal and not by a law abiding citizen). Most recent he posted a link to the Merl Haggard song- Branded Man. Imagine for a second him sitting back listening to this song feeling the emptiness in his gut, maybe even a tear(if ASPD had feelings of guilt which most including him do not), thinking how the song applied to his life. His ASPD and bipolar disorder interferes with his ability to recognize the actual difference between the subject in the song and himself. The song refers to a man who committed crimes, was put in prison, realized his misdeeds, atoned for his crimes, changed his life learning to respect boundaries. This man in the song was truly sorry and wanted to live life anew once released but people kept reminding and holding his crimes against him. It was not deserved and tragic. In DE's life, he never learned the lessons from his punishment after over stepping boundaries. He just got bitter and refuses to acknowledge his accountability. Worse yet he will do anything his selfish, self-centered heart desires.... Stealing, cheating, lying, abusing women, attempting to break up marriages and continues to not take care of his family. He lives off tax payers hard earned money. In reality he can in no way identify with the song. He is not apologetic for his life and the choices he made. He deserves the life he has and truely deserves to be branded. Visual branding say on the forehead as a Warning to avoid. It's sad that some are so delusional that regardless their actions, it's always society that is wrong. All one can do is call then on their bull crap and protect against their manipulative attempts to interfere. They live in a prison of their own design and deserve every miserable aspect of their life as a consequence of their attitude and actions.
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