Sunday, October 21, 2012


The ASPD(sociopath) main manipulative tactic is pathological lying. One particular individual that is a DSM confirmed, has stated to various women, depending on his hidden agenda, to have worked for an oil drilling company that allowed him to travel all over the world but was "injured" and the company "privately" pays him disability every month. (Not highly likely in that every corporation pays into social security and disability monthly for such occasions). He has stated that he was a nightclub promotor and DJ (the loose truth is that he did assist with music at a small time bar in a tiny armpit town but posting live band ads for the "dive" on MySpace is a far cry from bring a promoter and sitting in a bar drinking does not make one a DJ or anything else for that matter except an alcoholic). Tonight he, when critiquing a music post on Facebook and trying to portray himself as an expert, stated that he had "been around a few days" and that he has worked as a DJ, Roadie, and "owned his own sound company" since 1986 so he knew the style of music would not be received well. Funny thing is, with just a little math reveals that in 1986 he was 16 years old and in high school so how in the hell could he have "been on the road" as a roadie while "working" for the oil drilling company. He has made other claims of more "respectable and lucrative" employment depending on the woman he was trying to manipulate. The delusions of grandeur have led him to claim that he was an actor in three semi-popular movies from the late 80's and early 90's. When "BS" was called on that lie he backpedaled saying he was cast as an "extra". To reveal his open deceit to his "target" at that moment, the companies responsible for casting were contacted to verify or debunk his claim. Each of the three companies were very helpful in that they reviewed meticulous records (IRS data) and reported that he had not been involved in the films to any degree. One representative made fun of his claim stating that "standing behind the rope watching as a spectator as a scene is being shot does not constitute being an extra. Also, looking at his criminal record- the types of offenses and the State/County of arrest and court appearances from 1993 to 2011 (looks more like a career criminal) stands to disprove his claims of all but the karaoke set up he called "DJ" and a "sound company. Couple this with The frequency of his numerous psychiatric hospital admissions (Dorthea Dix and other facilities) and one begins to visualize the depth of his delusions and degree of his dishonesty. Truth be known he receives "disability" only it is due to his psychiatric deficiencies through governmental welfare system.
It is a tragedy that, in the wake of a sociopaths self-centerdness, that people are manipulated and eventually experience loss of trust and well being. The age of social media that society is currently in makes the sociopath a more proficient liar but fortunately it also makes unraveling their web of deceit easier if one only takes the time to thoroughly vet their claims. All liars leave loose ends and the more delusional and arrogant the more loose ends exist. Word of caution.. The more elaborate and sensational the claim, a hidden agenda exists by the one speaking the words.. Reveal to the person your suspicion and watch the anger and "gas lighting" begin. Don't be a victim..

1 comment:

  1. It's the mental illness. People who struggle as he fabricate alternate realities in attempt to briefly escape the miserable existence that is actually their life. This pathological dishonesty when coupled with the other primary symptoms of being a sociopath and you have a person that enjoys manipulating others through the deceit. He becomes exactly what he perceives his target is searching for on the surface.
