Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of

This morning as I followed my typical routine- devotions with my wife, shower, preparing my wife's lunch for work as she dressed to embark out to her meaningful job, jumped in the car, drove down the interstate to stop at the gas station to pick up some basic necessities for my day before arriving at my office there was a slight but pleasurable encounter.  An old man and woman were sitting on the bench soaking up the sun while drinking a cup of coffee and sharing a pastry.  They were making small talk, laughing and were touching one another throughout.  As I exited the store the old man got my attention and then asked directions just to confirm that the "new fangled technology(gps)" wasnt leading them astray.  Seems they were traveling from Rhode Island to, of all places, Gatlinburg, TN.  He asked me if I knew where it was and that they had wanted to visit there for years.  I smiled, replying that I did and as a matter of fact my wife and I spent our honeymoon there 21 years ago.  He smiled and nodded and then proceeded to tell me that they had been married for 45 years and were celebrating their anniversary this Saturday which was the reason they decided to journey to the Great Smokey Mountains.  I congratulated them and surprisingly found myself tearing up as I thought of the beauty and dedication they shared between one another.  We made some small talk about the weather and fly fishing during which his wife would ensure that he had the opportunity to enjoy bites of the pastry and would take a napkin and touch up the corners of his mouth.  Knowing that I was already late for work I looked and asked if I could pick his brain and experience one time before I had to run.  He replied, "Absolutely!  Its not often a young person looks to us as anything other than old and decrepid with a chuckle."  I asked, "If you could narrow down your success in marriage to just one thing, the one thing that has brought you to 45 years so deeply in love, what would that be?  What is your secret?"  He looked with a smile on his face at his wife who looked back at him.  He grabbed her hand then both looked up at me.  He said, "Life has not always been easy.  We have had our share of problems.  We have had times where we both have felt like throwing our hands up and quitting but our success is no secret.  Its hard to narrow down to just one thing.  I will give you one thing and a bonus.  The main reason for our success is that we both love God and when anyone loves God and honors God in living the way He expects us to then God will honor us.  He has honored us and allowed us a long and happy life.  If something where to happen to Celia, I pray God would take me too."  The bonus, "Always mean what you say.  The problem with the world today is that people will make promises like they make urine.  It just flows but always gets flushed down the toilet! People today dont give going back on their word, a second thought."  I nodded, congratulated them for their resolve, thanked them for their time and wished them a safe journey.  As I turned to walk to my car, Celia said, "One other thing young man.... Remember, the grass is never greener on the other side.  You are a good looking young man and I imagine you wont ever have to worry about being lonely but the first promise you made to your wife when you married her is the most important promise that you will ever make.  Breaking it will bring nothing but heartache."  I smiled and thanked her then drove away.
I am appreciative of the wisdom that I had the pleasure to encounter this morning and as I reflect now I can see more than ever the depravity that exists in the world.  The false bill of goods that has been shoved down our throats when it comes to marriage being disposable.  As for me, I want to be sitting beside my one and only wife sharing coffee and a pastry looking on our 45 year anniversary with the same joy and excitement as John and Celia.  God gave me a glimpse of what I long for and I am thankful. 

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