Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Expended Energy

Maybe I'm naive but I believe that the energy a person puts into something will bring about a correlated result. I bring up nativity because the result will either be good or bad. It's the premise behind karma. I have experienced through watching those around me that when their energy is expended and through their efforts, whether intentional or not, another is hurt(physically, emotionally or spiritually) that something negative inevitably occurs in their life. In thinking about it deeper many times when someone's life is improved through the energy expended by another, rarely do I see one reap a one time bounty. What I have noticed in those instances is an immediate and continual positive existence for them. One will always sow what they reap. We can all work to better the lives of others and in doing so, improving out lives. We can also rest assured that when a person sows deceit, they will reap destruction. That's a comforting thought.

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