A very common description of sociopathic behavior is the inability to connect, especially to people. There may seem like a connection, but there is no bond. Sociopaths often neglect or abandon their families, including their children. They resent authority, because they believe they should be able to do anything they like, any time they like. They hate being told what to do, and will only cooperate if it furthers their personal plans. The sociopath will only do for others if their actions benefit them in their plans or affirms a determined opinion or belief they hold. They will use their action to attempt to establish a similar belief in others and at the same time use it as a cloak to hide their true nature. Below is exactly one of those attempts. It is my opinion that the author of the FB rant below is obviously attempting to re-affirm his belief that "the police" are evil and have no regard for people. Also It is obvious he is saying, "Look at me.. Look what I did... Pat me on the back.... I am such a great person." So we can see a couple of hidden agendas in this post:
(copied and pasted directly from FB... Spelling and grammer issues are as authored)
"today i was out and about and when came back outside of the location that i was at. the car next to mine was being towed and a man and his two children were being left there by the police. turns out that his tags had expired and they were going to take the car and leave him and his children stranded there. it was over twenty miles out of my way but i gave them a ride home. this is just one more reason that i say fuck the police.
yesterday i was getting my car inspected and a homeless man came to business location with a duffel bag on his back a small dog that looked like a starving benji and a orange safty vest on. he begain yelling that the fbi had put a gps device in his head. skizo without a doubt. i called the police due to his mindset and that he may become vilolent, you never know what a person with a gps device in their head might do. so i called the police took twenty minutes to get there. when they did the officer said that they had been having alot of problems with him latley. i on the other hand see that we are having quite alot of problems with the police. the man is out of his mind. they have been having alot of problems with him, yet they can not seem to get the picture that the man needs medical care. though it may be against his will since they put a gps unit in his head. anyone could see that he needs help but they told him to leave and he did. the police came over and appoligized to us for the mans actions, though they sould have done so for theirs. just one more reason that i say fuck the police.”
Let me say this, I am not a fan of many of the policies and procedures of law enforcement. I know that the police have a job to do and as residents in this country we are expected to be aware of the established laws. We all have a duty and obligation to do everything in our power to follow those established laws and if we fail to do so then we are aware that consequences do exist and should be prepared to accept them. Afterall for whatever reason we chose to disobey the regulation. Now as related to the above post, The police are not a taxi service. This man chose to allow his tags to expire. Maybe he couldn't afford to pay the taxes or insurance to have them renewed which is becoming more and more frequent in this economy. Maybe he just forgot which does happen. In any case, he had to know his tags were expired and operating that vehicle was AGAINST THE LAW but he voluntarily chose to break the law and the authorities had every right to ensure that the vehicle wasnt going to be used further to continue to break the law by towing it until such time as 'the man" had taken care of his obligation to maintain the vehicle appropriately. Also, insurance will not cover an accident once they are made aware the registration was expired so the police were doing their job which is to protect the public from hazards. It is not like it is the dead of winter with 30 below zero windchill and the police were leaving the man and his children to extreme elements which was life threatening. I am sure that he had family and/or friends that he could have contacted to come and provide transportation. So the author used this situation to demonize the police to re-affirm his hatred of authority (as most sociopaths) because of his history of experiencing consequences of BREAKING THE LAW.
I preface the examination of the 2nd half of his attempt to justify his beliefs with this: Psychiatric care is severely lacking in this country. A large percentage of the population is suffering and the number of care providers is dwindling thus making a bad problem worse. "GPS man" truely suffers a severe mental illness that has obviously made it impossible for him to lead a normal and productive life. It is a tragedy. I am surprised however that the author would use this as an instance to lash out at police being that with his personal psychiatric history he should be very much aware that in order to receive psychiatric assistance one has to voluntarily seek said services or either be a danger to oneself or others leading to involuntary committment. It is not a crime to be delusional as "GPS man" appeared to be. It is sad but does not make him a threat. When someone is "agitated" and delusional, many times it as simple as speaking calmly with them to alleviate their fear. Many are just looking for someone to talk with... Someone to listen. The police in this situation did all they could and sounds as though their speaking with him achieved the desired response... "GPS man" went about his way. The policeman even "apologized" to the citizens for "GPS man's" behaviour which he was not obligated to do. It is obvious that the author's disdain for authority due to his sociopathic nature clouds every situation where law enforcement is involved. It is a shame that the author's mind is do dysfunctional that he has developed such hatred simply because he has had to experience the consequences of his criminal activities.
I for one applaud and am thankful for the men and women who put their lives on the line to protect and serve. Of course though, Im in my "right mind" and do my best to obey the laws of man.
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