Sunday, August 5, 2012


It's interesting to watch from a distance the cycle that one particular sociopath with dx bipolar disorder that I am familiar engages. He will disappear into which characteristically meets a depressive state during which he has been hospitalized numerous times throughout his life. Then he cycles as expected of one who refuses treatment and is adamant that he is normal with no issues to his hypo/hyper manic phase. During this he is more visible, arrogant and boasterous. This is the time which the sociopath characteristics really become evident. His search for control is focused entirely on relationships with the opposite sex. So the pattern that indicates his psychiatric status is his attempt to appear as a romantic in different public forums such as Facebook. He will steal little known song lyrics and amateur poet submissions to play off as his own with intent to manipulate and snare unsuspecting and in most cases psychologically impaired females.
An impairment has to exist in those he attracts because he is overweight, an alcoholic, chain smoker, has a long legal history, Has no measurable employment and no ambition other than to appear more than what he actually is. From females I have been in contact which were fooled by his facade, the damage he inflicted is still present. It's amazing people can be so foolish and others can be so ignorant. Definitely interesting to have him figured out and hope others do as well as to avoid the damage a relationship with him will bring.  There is no intelligence in his actions or existence.  He is incapable to admit their lack of respect and the inability to learn (as are most sociopaths) from his mistakes and even more telling is his refusal to acknowledge boundaries and refrain from incroaching them.

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