Monday, October 29, 2012


A continuation of an excellent example of the "First Use Prinicple" and the thought process impediment that is technically brain damage.  Again this is a recent Facebook post of the same 41yr old ASPD and Bipolar male that has had numerous psyciatric hosptial admissions, alcoholic, a significant legal history, inability to maintain relationships, no capacity to maintain gainful employment and has no respect for established boundaries (personal or societal).  If you look closely you will see the flow of his adolescent delusion focused on the "reptialian brain processes" instead of those of the neo-cortex.  His early and frequent use of alcohol and other drugs prevented full development of his brain which complicates his diagnosed disorders. 

"Some nights are made for lying in bed, listening to the rain on the roof
Some nights are made for siting on the front porch, talking about times gone by
Some nights are made for worrying, about what’s going to happen tomorrow
But some nights, Like tonight
Are made for letting go
Getting out and having fun
Bringing life, back to life
Drinking way too much
Smoking way too much
Shaking it out on the dance floor
Waking up in the back seat of the car down by the river
Stuck in the mud, wondering where all of our cloths are
Some nights
Some nights, like tonight
Some nights, like tonight" -- FB post DR...

The things he sees as important to "bring life, back to life" is "drinking way too much", "smoking way to much" and "shaking it out on the dance floor". (lol). (with his beer gut, shaking would turn into wobbling and once going couldnt get it to stop)..  Very juvenile.  Then to go further, "waking up in the back seat of the car down by the river, stuck in the mud, wondering where all  our cloths are".... Must be the white trash version of a good time.  Women that have pride in themselves that I know dont see that as a good time but rather, as one so eloquently put it, "that's the cheap ass sluts idea of a good time.  Would need to see the dr afterwards for a shot of antibiotics".  However, I guess if one is cheap white trash such as he is then it is not hard to fathom them having a good time.  I cant imagine a woman, actually knowing anything about psychology or atleast having pride in herself, would want to associate with a man with this degree of drain bamage.  Sometimes we get to a place where you just have to tell someone, "Grow up, stop being an imbecile.  Your embarrassing yourself through the thoughts in your mind that should never leave your mind.  Your a grown ass man and in trying to portray your life as you see it in your damaged mind only attracts those whose minds are just as damaged." Fact is, a woman who would read the above and want to drink, smoke, shake and wake up with you isnt worth having and not a loss in the adult world.  Stop embarassing yourself, take your medicine and act like the father you have never been. 

Friday, October 26, 2012


I know who I plan to vote for and fully intend to so so because it is my right, duty and privilege just as it is with every American citizen. However, the following Facebook post is an example of the mentality and "faulty" thinking of the individual that has been discussed and is evidence of the damage in brain development done due to the "first use principle". It's individuals such as this that are the reason our country has come to the place it is.... The logic is non-existent, it starts with the mention of alcohol(surprise), proceeds to show contempt of successful individuals and in a seriously flawed attempt to minimize his own background suggests that an ex-con(criminal) would make better decisions for the citizens of this country in the highest or second highest office in the USA.

"Everything in life should be productive. Not true the founders of this country all distilled liquor and sold it, well that was productive in filling their pockets. The Kennedys brought it in during the time of probation. No one in this country has not found fortune without the help of what is in demand, as people will always demand a break from reality. People want to let go of the day to day mundane life that most all of us live. Weather it is to become a holy roller or a drunk or just not spend money on anything to save for something that means something to them. There are those of us that will never change. Change is the hardest thing a person will ever be able to do. Why would you want to stop being happy to try something that is not a sure thing. That is what hinders change. The United States incarnates more people than any other country on earth. In order to get to the top you must have never faced a personal issue. You must have never had to put one knee to the ground and say I cannot take it. You must have never did anything wrong. Do you really know who you are voting for? One way or other both should never hold office. Why you ask. They are both liars. They have never had a problem in their life; they have never done anything wrong. You cannot trust them and should never expect them to do anything in your favor if it does not do something for them in their favor. Put a single father in office or a single mother. Put a convict in office. But do not put some rich bastard that has no idea as to what life is about. A single parent knows how to stretch a dollar and say no that would be nice to have but it is not wise to spend money that way. Make the vice president a convict. They are blunt they are rude and do not believe in giving away anything. The current government owns all of the oil rights that are another problem. A convict would say stop trying to steal my shit motherfucker or I am going to put a cap in your ass. A convict would say to the world hey this is my place this is my house I do not go into yours and try to fuck with anything and if you come into mine, I do not give a fuck who you call god you are going to meet them in a minute if you do. Now let’s bounce back to health care. The person in charge of that should be or have been at one time unemployed and or homeless. Someone that knows what it is like to need to be fixed but afraid to ask for help since they have noting and will not get proper treatment and be stuck with a bill that no one can afford to pay. They would change that shit quick. So there you have it the budget will get fixed we will be safe and we will have health care. Congress and the senate are in the same boat they are just using the American people for whatever they can get out of them, no more no less. I have registered to vote. And I am casting my vote now. None of the above.
I forgot why I started to write this. It was about the war on drugs. The US spends 48 billion dollars a year on something that they cannot control. I was at a bar here in CA and I was in the smoking section and they were smoking pot there. I accept that since it is not against the law. And furthermore I accept it in general. Once it was against the law to have a drink as it was and to smoke a smoke it has begun its change. I know that no one likes change but the sooner that you accept it the sooner you can get on with your life."

The "none of the above" crap sounded good in the movie which made the phrase but in the "real world" this is the slogan of cowards and imbeciles. Yes, change happens whether we want it to or not but in this case outside of the misplaced lament over legality and labeling, we have a say in the best choice of two not so great options. It is what it is and to hide ones head in the sand is simply irresponsible and status quo for cowards. If one keeps doing the same things over and over expecting different results is the definition of insanity. Fact is in this individuals case the definition fits not only as evidenced in the above post but as is his life. Certifiably insane.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Studies of earlier generations of artists and writers show that they have 18 times the rate of suicide as compared to the general population, 8-10 times the rate of clinical depression, and 10-20 times the rate of bipolar disorder. These studies provide evidence that there is a correlation between bipolar disorder and perceived creativity whether through music, poetry, writings and art. The question now is not whether or not there exists a connection between the two, but why it exists.    One feature in mania or hypomania is the increase in unusually creative thinking and productivity. Manic people often speak and think in rhyme and/or alliteration more than non-manic people. The lifestyles of manic-depressives during a manic episode are comparable to those of creative people. They function on very little sleep, are restless, and they both exhibit emotions. The manic individual perceives life as one without limits. This allows for creativity because he/she feels capable of anything. It is as if the walls, which inhibit the general population, do not exist for the manic person, pushing them to attempt creativity. Many perceive, during an episode, that they understand a part of art, music, and literature, which normal people can not.  This narcissism is characteristic during mania.       The manic state is vastly different to the depressive state in bipolar patients. In their depressed state, they only see gloom and boundaries and most experience feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. It is actually out of this despair that their attempted creativity flows. In many cases this is therapeutic in that it is the only outlet bipolar individual can navigate through their episode of depression.  It is during this time that they can work through their negative feelings. It becomes a anchor to reality and  is often the only way the person with bipolar disorder can cope .    The times of adjustment between the manic episodes and depressive episodes can be difficult. Examining an individuals works of literature or music can reveal which phase of  the disorder they  were in at the time of composition. The manic state and depressive phase are so disorienting that the ideas and delusions that manifest during these episodes are generally organized during the normal times between episodes.  Through this one is able to "map" the phases in each individual.
Co-morbid factors play a role in determining the the onset, length and severity of the depressive and manic phases thus play a variable in the mapping process. The major factor is substance use and abuse. Studies have shown that bipolar disorder is often accompanied with a substance abuse disorder, very often it is alcohol abuse. Typically one would see a maturity in the flood of ideas that are incorporated into the attempted creativity in a bipolar individual in the absence of alcohol.  In the presence of alcohol or other substance, one generally finds a rudimentary primal aspect to the creativity, finding their topics or "centerpieces" hinging around violence, sex, substance use and more profoundly memories of loss from the days of their youth.  I believe this is important because alcohol damages brain development when age of use started at 15yrs old or earlier.  
   Alcoholism is a disease of addiction (which is a chronic, relapsing brain disease), and that alcohol affects the teen brain differently because of the critical brain development occurring from ages 12 through 20, often until age 25.  It was thought in the medical and scientific community  that the brain was fully developed by adolescence. We now know it’s not. There is a critical developmental stage identified as pruning and strengthening that goes on during the teen years and on into college and even beyond. Pruning is when neural connections (called gray matter) that are not used fall away (get “pruned”), and those that are used get strengthened, which makes the remaining neural connections more efficient.  The brain develops from back to front- This means that the portions of the brain that deal with emotion, memory, learning, motivation and judgment are the last to develop and, as such, are the most deeply affected by alcohol (or drug abuse) during ages 12 through 20, often through age 25. For example, if a teen abuses alcohol, the neural connections associated with memories and experiences related to alcohol abuse are the ones that are strengthened and thus embedded. By the same token, neural connections damaged by or not used because of alcohol abuse (those related to learning or judgment, for example) are pruned or not strengthened. This late stage brain development also explains why people who abuse alcohol don't know why they do some of the things they do, and why they take risks they likely would not engage in if they had a fully developed brain and the hindsight (memories and experiences) that go with it. 
    Age of first use, independent of other factors (e.g., genetics, environment, mental health issues such as ADHD, depression, bi-polar, ASPD and PTSD), strongly predicts the development of a lifelong addiction to alcohol.  Individuals who begin drinking before the age of 15 are five times more likely to develop problems with alcohol than those who start after 21.  For each year a teen delays alcohol use, their chances of becoming dependent (addicted to alcohol) drops by 14%.  The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) reports that one-half of alcoholics were addicted by age 21, and 2/3 were addicted by age 25. Okay, enough with the biochem lesson on addiction.
This knowledge is helpful in the mapping model.  Just by observing the creative works- poetry, literature, paintings, drawings, music one can determine if alcohol or other substances began at an early age and consequently continues as an addiction.  The "higher brain or neo-cortex functions" will present as poorly developed or even non-existent.  Their ideas and "creativity" will spawn within their limbic system (reptilian brain) as evidenced as driven by emotion and self-centeredness.  Below is an example of a "poem" as written by a 41 year old male- Type 1 Bipolar with an age of first use of alcohol prior to age 15 and continued use to date. 

 When I look back on this life that I have led
I remember, I can’t forget
My first love my first love indeed
I was in, on fire
From the first moment that we met
The torcher of you love has brought me here this far
Somebody poor me another drink
Somebody poor me another drink...

Somebody poor me another drink

 All of your lies confused the hell out of me
Take another moment make me believe
I remember I can’t forget
Make me believe everything you say to me
My heart is broken I can’t even begin to sleep

 Somebody poor me another drink
Somebody poor me another drink
Somebody poor me another drink
(ends with:  "forgit brought to you by vodka and cranberry")
This was written as a result of a depressive episode during which he dealt with thoughts of his ex-wife and their failed marriage as a result of his "issues".  Notice the title is a reference to memories and how the thoughts during his depression brought him to a place of looking back on his life.  The flow is choppy at best... very juvenile in presentation.  More importantly however look at the importance being placed on alcohol.  His entire life has seen alcohol holding a high place of esteem as a consequence of his young age of first use.  It has played a role in the severity of his mental illness and aided as an accomplice in the destruction of his marriage, deterioration of family relationships, history of legal issues, inability to maintain relationships and made it impossible to hold gainful employment. 
Another from the same individual: (states this is a song he has been working on)
  do you hear that
that sound that is ringing in your ears
that is your heart beat
it is letting you know that you have realy messed up this time
i know you have been talking
you have been talking alot of shit
it doesnt bother me
but this time you have gone too far...

your headed for a good old fashion
ass beating
their aint no fight for flight
just the hospital emergancy room
boy i hope that you go insurance

do you hear that
that ringing in your ears
its your heartbeat
letting you know
you messed up
The flow of ideas in this case materialized in a manic phase.  Notice the focal point being violence.  Again it is extremely juvenile and ridiculous.  The delusion played out in his mind stimulated a sense of well being for the time and place that he was at that moment however it was just a delusion and short-lived.  Reality is far different than fantasy. 
Same individual... One more "song that he is working on":
did you see her
walk in the door
everybody stoped
everybody staired
she is the kind of girl
that every man wants
she is the kind of girl
that every woman hates
she's got the hair
she's got the top..

but dam
she's got the ass
the ass that won't quit
maken every man in the house dream about all night long
she's that kinda girl
Again, thoughts manifested during a manic phase... Written the same time of the previous.  The focus once again is a limbic reptilian impulse.... Sex.  Highly adolescent in process and extremely ridiculous.  The three examples focus on drugs, violence and sex.  Reveals alcohol induced damage to the neo-cortex consistent with the results of the scientific research.  Take into consideration Type 1 Bipolar Disorder and abstinence from alcohol, consistent CBT and medicaiton management is necessary to live a productive life.  Otherwise the old saying holds true.... "if you continue doing the same things you will continue getting the same."  In this case more fractured relationships, depressive drunken regrets of marital dissolution, legal issues, and continued cycles of unemployment. 


Sunday, October 21, 2012


The ASPD(sociopath) main manipulative tactic is pathological lying. One particular individual that is a DSM confirmed, has stated to various women, depending on his hidden agenda, to have worked for an oil drilling company that allowed him to travel all over the world but was "injured" and the company "privately" pays him disability every month. (Not highly likely in that every corporation pays into social security and disability monthly for such occasions). He has stated that he was a nightclub promotor and DJ (the loose truth is that he did assist with music at a small time bar in a tiny armpit town but posting live band ads for the "dive" on MySpace is a far cry from bring a promoter and sitting in a bar drinking does not make one a DJ or anything else for that matter except an alcoholic). Tonight he, when critiquing a music post on Facebook and trying to portray himself as an expert, stated that he had "been around a few days" and that he has worked as a DJ, Roadie, and "owned his own sound company" since 1986 so he knew the style of music would not be received well. Funny thing is, with just a little math reveals that in 1986 he was 16 years old and in high school so how in the hell could he have "been on the road" as a roadie while "working" for the oil drilling company. He has made other claims of more "respectable and lucrative" employment depending on the woman he was trying to manipulate. The delusions of grandeur have led him to claim that he was an actor in three semi-popular movies from the late 80's and early 90's. When "BS" was called on that lie he backpedaled saying he was cast as an "extra". To reveal his open deceit to his "target" at that moment, the companies responsible for casting were contacted to verify or debunk his claim. Each of the three companies were very helpful in that they reviewed meticulous records (IRS data) and reported that he had not been involved in the films to any degree. One representative made fun of his claim stating that "standing behind the rope watching as a spectator as a scene is being shot does not constitute being an extra. Also, looking at his criminal record- the types of offenses and the State/County of arrest and court appearances from 1993 to 2011 (looks more like a career criminal) stands to disprove his claims of all but the karaoke set up he called "DJ" and a "sound company. Couple this with The frequency of his numerous psychiatric hospital admissions (Dorthea Dix and other facilities) and one begins to visualize the depth of his delusions and degree of his dishonesty. Truth be known he receives "disability" only it is due to his psychiatric deficiencies through governmental welfare system.
It is a tragedy that, in the wake of a sociopaths self-centerdness, that people are manipulated and eventually experience loss of trust and well being. The age of social media that society is currently in makes the sociopath a more proficient liar but fortunately it also makes unraveling their web of deceit easier if one only takes the time to thoroughly vet their claims. All liars leave loose ends and the more delusional and arrogant the more loose ends exist. Word of caution.. The more elaborate and sensational the claim, a hidden agenda exists by the one speaking the words.. Reveal to the person your suspicion and watch the anger and "gas lighting" begin. Don't be a victim..

Friday, October 19, 2012

Sociopaths Anthem

The Erythemics? Really? Sweet Dreams are made of These?? you have to be joking!!! Interesting though that a sociopath posts up Merl Haggards A Branded Man only to turn around after a short absence from posting(see cycles mapped) and post a song that states:
"Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused"
Once again a brief lesson in logic to discredit the delusion... No one ways to be used and no one wants to be abused. It is that type of thinking that has found you a 41 year old man who destroyed your marriage, neglected your responsibility to your children, a man who can't hold down a job, has been hospitalized in psychiatric facilities on numerous occasions and has legal rap sheet that reveals your tendencies to use and abuse (assault and battery- numerous to include on a female). It's your identification with the song that shows deep rooted issues that will find you alone as bitter, isolated and disturbed old man.
Yes, "everybody is looking for something" but unfortunately for you they are not looking to be used or abused. Actually they seek the exact opposite of you. It's the world you have made for yourself...
Here's some Lyrics for ya as made famous by the best Rock group of all time... In my opinion should be your anthem...
Led Zeppelin
"Nobody's fault but mine [X2]
Trying to save my soul tonight
It's nobody's fault but mine

Devil he told me to roll [X2]
How to roll the log tonight
Nobody's fault but mine

Brother he showed me the gong
Brother he showed me the ding dong ding dong
How to kick that gong to light
Oh, it's nobody's fault but mine

Got a monkey on my back. [X2]
Gonna change my ways tonight
It's nobody's fault but mine.."

D, it's nobodies fault but yours and your screwed up biochemistry has you so far in left field that you are diluted in that you think yourself to be in center. Such a wasted life made up of lies and dishonor. The days a coming like a freight train...

Thursday, October 18, 2012


The biggest challenge those wtih ASPD and Bipolar disorder have to overcome, after actually admitting they have a mental illness to begin with, is their tendency to simply explain away the illogical, immoral, unethical and painful actions they commit through assigning all blame on the chemical imbalance that is a part of who they are in life. 

Truth is when those with a  mental illness diagnosis such as these refuse to accept that they are held to accountability just as everyone else that takes a breath, they are easily confused and troubled by mild messages they receive from others. If a lack of knowing right from wrong at the time of a mental breakdown has been established, there is diminished capacity according to the law. What is lost in this logic is the damage done to the victims of angry manipulative outbursts or actions based on their desires during an episode.  During such times, jobs are lost, marriages destroyed, families are fractured and even dire crimes committed.  We do not live in a pristine world of black and white, or all or none thinking.   It is the faulty thinking as is characteristic in ASPD and Bipolar disorder to hold to, in the aftermath of harsh words and/or physical assault, the notion that a chemical imbalance is the culprit and is in by no means a fair release from culpability.
    There is much work in healing the breakdown of civility which goes on with those in stressful situations. Even though one may be delusional, their actions may result in pain to another. Aren’t they then responsible for their pain? Too often one is too proud to apologize, feeling it will only supply ammunition to an enemy and will weaken a claim to be the righteous one, the one wronged. This does not lead to understanding. It only increases the gulf already formed.
    Everything negative that happens to one in their life statistically can never be the fault of someone else.  If one breaks a set law, moral or ethical standard then the negative that occurs as a result is not the fault of the other.  It is the fault of the one who broke the law or standard.  So it is important to set the record straight through acknowledging the damage done and in most cases results in the beginning of a dialogue. “I’m sorry you were injured by my actions, or, what occurred between us is regrettable; let’s strive for a better understanding.”
The argument that a chemical imbalance is at the heart of a divide is an over-simplification and an easy way out. If you make a mess, then you have to clean it up. It is your responsibility.  Sometimes it’s just what is needed along with the resolution to learn and accept that a chemical imbalance does not define a person.... Its overcoming the imbalance and taking responsibility for the wrongs and making them right that defines one as a human being. 

Ten Ways to Take Responsibility
  1. Be honest with yourself; admit your limitations.
  2. Acknowledge your contribution to the misunderstanding.
  3. Mentally exchange places with those you’ve harmed and
  4. see the situation from their view.
  5. See an outsider to mediate a dialogue.
  6. Cool down before reacting.
  7. Take time before trying to resolve an issue.
  8. Recognize the futility of all or none thinking.
  9. Seek understanding with goodwill.
  10. Educate yourself on the difference between being reactive in the face of an altercation and looking at the aftermath for your opportunity to set things right.
  11. Remain open.
I understand that society encourages one to take the path of least resistance.  It is easier to be a victim than to admit that one is at fault and brought the circumstances on themselves.  Its sad to see a person who could have a life as a productive functioning citizen harbor such bitterness and seek to cause so much hurt and pain to others simply because they refuse to take the steps necessary to focus not on their desires but rather on their integrity as a human being.  We are all taught the difference between right and wrong.  To do what is right is a conscious choice and is generally takes the most effort of the two because our desires would lead us to do the wrong thing based soley on our own self centeredness.  Its best to live by the saying, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."  If you were in a relationship or married and witnessed your spouse kissing another, how would/did you feel?  If your spouse left you for another because the other sought a relationship with your spouse knowing the marital status, how would you feel?  If someone stole something valuable to you, how would that make you feel?  The answer to all is angry, hurt and sad.  Then dont do those things regardless the circumstances.  Otherwise be prepared for the consequences that will follow you for a long time after.  That's just life- chemical imbalance or not. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Facebook, Lies and oops, Busted.

Thought process of ASPD with Bipolar Disorder in a post on Facebook targeting his ex-wife when she spurned his advances...  Ironic that this individual takes it upon himself to give a lecture about detecting lies.  However, in reality who better than a compulsive liar describing how to detect lies.  I love her response...  it appears that she was just trying to be civil for the sake of the children but in line with his disorder the delusion filled his mind that her openness to simply communicate was indication that she wanted a relationship with him.  The first therapeutic step he needs to take is to look at himself long and hard in the mirror to see that he is actually not who he thinks he is in his dysfunctional brain.  You would think that he would be able to detect the lies he tells himself since he seems to want to  prove himself to be an expert through his post.  But then again... He's mentally ill and all the lies he tells he believes is truth.  Such a shame to be so dysfunctional.

xxxxxx xxxxx--- xxxxxx xxxx xxxxx   08/13/2012
7 hours ago·
We have all been there, believing things that someone tells us to later find out they were lying to you. Once you have been lied to you, you may find yourself wondering if you can ever trust that person or others for that matter again. There are many ways to tell if someone is lying to you. of course in person it is much easer to detect whether someone is lying to you. Here are some tips in being able to tell a liar from one that is telling you the truth in person.

A liar is pretty easy to spot once you know what to look for. So here are ways to spot a liar...

* No eye contact! If the person talking to you does not look you in the eye when they are talking to you then that is a huge sign of betrayal. They may often look at you but not for long. Their eyes will wonder around the room and very seldom actually look at you in the eye.

* Talking faster then normal. Most likely they want to get the lie over with, so they tend to talk faster then normal.

* Standing or even sitting with their arms crossed. This is a protective sign and they may be doing it as to shield themselves from you since they are insecure and know they are lying to you.

* Signs of nervousness. If they are acting nervous and fidgety then it may be a sign that they are being deceptive.

* Picking a fight with you or trying to pass the blame. If the person is defensive and trying to change the subject by picking a fight with you or passing the blame on to you, it may be a sign of deception.

* Body language. Just watching their body movement is a great way to tell if they are being deceptive. Again if they acting nervous by folding their hands and moving around a lot, such as shaking their leg, they are probably lying to you.

* Signs of stress. Since lying is stressful for the person there are signs that you can look for such as dilated pupils. Even a raise in their vocal pitch may be a determining factor that they are lying to you.

* Lack of details in their story. Often liars only think of the most obvious plots to their lie. So if they are lacking a lot of the story and you ask them and you get a response with a lot of pauses then it may be a sign that they are thinking it up as they go along.

When you are on the phone with someone it can be a little harder to tell if someone is lying to you. Using the guidelines from above such as the lack of details and the higher pitches in their voices, make sure you listen to them carefully. Make sure you listen for any inconsistencies in their story in person and on the phone. If their are things that simply do not go together, call them on it. Ask them all the questions that you have. Interrogating them is the easiest way to crack them. once they feel that you are on to them, they may end up breaking and telling you the truth.

You can ask them questions politely and try not to jump to any conclusions. Just try to get the facts in order from them. Many times if someone is lying and you ask them for a simple fact then they may pause and try to think something up. SO if there are plenty of pauses coming from them when they are talking you, it may also be a sign of deception.

listen to your intuition! Many times you have a gut feeling about something, well listen to it, Again do not jump to any conclusions, just simply ask questions nicely and see or listen to their response.

You can simply come out and ask the person if they are lying to you if you are brave enough to handle their reaction. Doing this they may be caught of guard and not know what to say. No matter what you do about the feelings of someone lying to you, do it is a tasteful fashion. DO not blow up and act crazy, simply talk to them and find out why they are lying to you.

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o    Xxxxxx xxxx xxxxx
Stop sending me messages and posting things on my wall. I have no interest in reading any of this garbage. Anything I may have done to you in the past is completely overshadowed by your actions. There is no hope for a future for us. The most you could hope for is my frienship and you may have blown that too. It's clear to me now that just by rtalking to you gives you reason to believe that there is a chance for us but the glimpse I have just seen is firther convfirmTion that I would rather be happy alone!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Branded Life

I took a little break to do some research and begin a new case study and during the "relaxation" revisited the focus of the previous one (it becomes entertaining with some individuals). Those that have been following know that the man that has been followed most recent suffers from anti-social personality disorder complicated by poorly controlled type I bi-polar disorder and chronic substance abuse. He was raised in a vagabond lifestyle (military brat) and continues as much out of necessity as a choice. He suffers delusions which has led him to weave a web of lies to define his history and enable him to engage in predatory behaviors. As is characteristic with ASPD, he has a self-centered perception of established boundaries. He has been unable to maintain a relationship as evident in his failed marriage(some interesting communication recently occurred between him and his ex on Facebook. It seems he mistook her simple attempts to be civil in communication as a sign she sought to re-initiate a romantic relationship... EMBARRASSING), his lack of interaction with his two children over their life(oldest son experiencing issues with legal authorities due to illegal narcotics possession which is direct damage from the dysfunctional relationship and absence of his father). He has also been unable to maintain gainful employment. When attempting to manipulate a female target he pulls from a few fictitious employment backgrounds... Mainly that he is receiving company sponsored disability after being injured and that allows him to follow his passion of music(DJ).
Also his lack of respect for boundaries resulted in numerous arrests between 1995 and 2010 ranging from DWI to stalking, to assault and battery on a female. All in all a rather extensive arrest record.
His substance abuse, particularly alcoholism is evident in his physical appearance.. Classic moon face, bulging eyes and "barrel belly" indicating thyroid damage and cortisol imbalance from the alcohol. This also exacerbates his psychiatric issues that have resulted in numerous psychiatric hospital admissions(both voluntary and involuntary) over the course of his life.
He applies himself diligently to portray himself as intelligent and sensitive(ploy to cover his true existence). One(even untrained) only needs to read his posts on Facebook to see the degree of his mental deficiencies. The song lyrics and "poems" he posts that he states he is "working on" show the true depth of his denial and delusion. First and foremost, they are CRAP. Absolutely ridiculous.. Second, each refers to how he has been "done wrong by society" or how his life and its state
is not his fault. He has stated that "he doesn't look for trouble but it always seems to find him". He has an extreme disdain for authority even going as far as openly posting a tirade ending in "Fuck the police"(as generally said by a true criminal and not by a law abiding citizen). Most recent he posted a link to the Merl Haggard song- Branded Man. Imagine for a second him sitting back listening to this song feeling the emptiness in his gut, maybe even a tear(if ASPD had feelings of guilt which most including him do not), thinking how the song applied to his life. His ASPD and bipolar disorder interferes with his ability to recognize the actual difference between the subject in the song and himself. The song refers to a man who committed crimes, was put in prison, realized his misdeeds, atoned for his crimes, changed his life learning to respect boundaries. This man in the song was truly sorry and wanted to live life anew once released but people kept reminding and holding his crimes against him. It was not deserved and tragic. In DE's life, he never learned the lessons from his punishment after over stepping boundaries. He just got bitter and refuses to acknowledge his accountability. Worse yet he will do anything his selfish, self-centered heart desires.... Stealing, cheating, lying, abusing women, attempting to break up marriages and continues to not take care of his family. He lives off tax payers hard earned money. In reality he can in no way identify with the song. He is not apologetic for his life and the choices he made. He deserves the life he has and truely deserves to be branded. Visual branding say on the forehead as a Warning to avoid. It's sad that some are so delusional that regardless their actions, it's always society that is wrong. All one can do is call then on their bull crap and protect against their manipulative attempts to interfere. They live in a prison of their own design and deserve every miserable aspect of their life as a consequence of their attitude and actions.