Monday, October 29, 2012


A continuation of an excellent example of the "First Use Prinicple" and the thought process impediment that is technically brain damage.  Again this is a recent Facebook post of the same 41yr old ASPD and Bipolar male that has had numerous psyciatric hosptial admissions, alcoholic, a significant legal history, inability to maintain relationships, no capacity to maintain gainful employment and has no respect for established boundaries (personal or societal).  If you look closely you will see the flow of his adolescent delusion focused on the "reptialian brain processes" instead of those of the neo-cortex.  His early and frequent use of alcohol and other drugs prevented full development of his brain which complicates his diagnosed disorders. 

"Some nights are made for lying in bed, listening to the rain on the roof
Some nights are made for siting on the front porch, talking about times gone by
Some nights are made for worrying, about what’s going to happen tomorrow
But some nights, Like tonight
Are made for letting go
Getting out and having fun
Bringing life, back to life
Drinking way too much
Smoking way too much
Shaking it out on the dance floor
Waking up in the back seat of the car down by the river
Stuck in the mud, wondering where all of our cloths are
Some nights
Some nights, like tonight
Some nights, like tonight" -- FB post DR...

The things he sees as important to "bring life, back to life" is "drinking way too much", "smoking way to much" and "shaking it out on the dance floor". (lol). (with his beer gut, shaking would turn into wobbling and once going couldnt get it to stop)..  Very juvenile.  Then to go further, "waking up in the back seat of the car down by the river, stuck in the mud, wondering where all  our cloths are".... Must be the white trash version of a good time.  Women that have pride in themselves that I know dont see that as a good time but rather, as one so eloquently put it, "that's the cheap ass sluts idea of a good time.  Would need to see the dr afterwards for a shot of antibiotics".  However, I guess if one is cheap white trash such as he is then it is not hard to fathom them having a good time.  I cant imagine a woman, actually knowing anything about psychology or atleast having pride in herself, would want to associate with a man with this degree of drain bamage.  Sometimes we get to a place where you just have to tell someone, "Grow up, stop being an imbecile.  Your embarrassing yourself through the thoughts in your mind that should never leave your mind.  Your a grown ass man and in trying to portray your life as you see it in your damaged mind only attracts those whose minds are just as damaged." Fact is, a woman who would read the above and want to drink, smoke, shake and wake up with you isnt worth having and not a loss in the adult world.  Stop embarassing yourself, take your medicine and act like the father you have never been. 

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